Biomedical Engineering

The Biomedical Engineering undergraduate program is dedicated to preparing graduates for professional careers within the medicine, law, or engineering industry.

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Chemical Engineering

Our undergraduate program provides curriculum that prepares students for jobs in industry and for post-graduate training in chemistry, engineering, law, and medicine.

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Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil Engineering majors will learn to apply physical, chemical, and biochemical processes to solve environmental problems.

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Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering is a joint degree with the Kahlert School of Computing and Electrical and Computer Engineering whose requirements include design, implementation, and programming of digital computers and computer-controlled electronic systems.

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Computer Science

The Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science prepares students to solve problems using computation through core course knowledge of software development, computer architecture, computer systems, and algorithms.

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Construction Engineering

This is a hybrid program that teaches civil engineering and construction basics such as structural principles, site analysis, foundations, computer-assisted design, contracting, project management, and regulations.

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Data Science

The Data Science program prepares individuals to develop and apply knowledge of basic computer science and software engineering in order to build, modify, or use software tools for data analysis.

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Electrical Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is a diverse program that enables engineering students to invent, design, develop and test a wide range of new technologies that improve lives.

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Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering is an integrated discipline where the student receives a foundation of basic chemistry, physics and engineering coursework.

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Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering major will provide students with an ABET-accredited education combined with hands-on experience in the field of robotics, manufacturing, research opportunities and more.

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Biomedical Engineering

Apply the knowledge gained in your major to biomedical applications and direct your training toward helping others.

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Computer Science

A minor in computer science exposes students to the fundamentals of programming and broader areas of computer science.

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Games Program

A Minor for undergraduate students with an interest in understanding both the academic professional gaming industry.

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Nuclear Engineering

The program focuses on nuclear principles, neutron-based engineering, radiochemistry, and nuclear science.

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Biomedical Engineering

Apply the knowledge gained in your major to biomedical applications and direct your training toward helping others.

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Computer Science

A minor in computer science exposes students to the fundamentals of programming and broader areas of computer science.

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Nuclear Engineering

The program focuses on nuclear principles, neutron-based engineering, radiochemistry, and nuclear science.

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Robotics Engineering

An interdisciplinary program that imparts fundamental knowledge of robotic mechanics and design.

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Engineering Entrepreneur Certificate

The Engineering Entrepreneurship Program offers engineering students the opportunity for hands-on innovation experience as well as a strong foundation in the business aspects of technology.

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Grand Challenge Scholars Program

The University of Utah College of Engineering Grand Challenge Scholars Program (GCSP) is an education model to prepare our engineering students to be the world’s new innovators.

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Engineering Entrepreneur Certificate

The Engineering Entrepreneurship Program offers engineering students the opportunity for hands-on innovation experience as well as a strong foundation in the business aspects of technology.

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Grand Challenge Scholars Program

The University of Utah Price College of Engineering's Grand Challenge Scholars Program (GCSP) readies engineering students to pioneer global innovation change the world for the better.

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Robotics Undergraduate Certificate

The Robotics Undergraduate Certificate will provide knowledge for integrating hardware and software with algorithms to create the next generation of intelligent machines.

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Engineering Entrepreneur Certificate

The Engineering Entrepreneurship Program offers engineering students the opportunity for hands-on innovation experience as well as a strong foundation in the business aspects of technology.

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Grand Challenge Scholars Program

The University of Utah Price College of Engineering's Grand Challenge Scholars Program (GCSP) readies engineering students to pioneer global innovation change the world for the better.

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Robotics Undergraduate Certificate

The Robotics Undergraduate Certificate will provide knowledge for integrating hardware and software with algorithms to create the next generation of intelligent machines.

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Systems Engineering

The Systems Engineering Graduate Certificate is an interdisciplinary approach that enables the realization of successful systems through the identification of needs, requirements, testing, integration, and validation.

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