The College of Engineering and the University at large address the following questions related to video production, storage, and streaming:

I want to stream my courses/lectures online

Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT, formerly known as TACC and IMS) offers the Kaltura video management service that handles video conversion, storage and streaming. This is a core campus service offered at no cost for curricular use by the colleges and academic departments. Faculty and instructors can upload video to Kaltura via Canvas or Equella. The streamed videos can them be easily added into Canvas courses or shared with colleagues.

Nathan Sanders ( from TLT can provide a good overview of the instructional presentation capture and video management options supported through TLT. He is available to present at faculty meetings in your department or to consult individually with faculty to help incorporate streaming video into their course curriculum.

TLT also offers video recording staff and equipment that can be rented / scheduled for a nominal fee.

I want to publish my videos on official channels

Faculty are encouraged to produce videos (research, student activities, outreach events, etc.) and host them on official department and college channels. Using these centrally-managed channels can give your videos a larger audience than if you were to publish them under a personal account.

The College manages the following YouTube channels:

The University of Utah on YouTube
College of Engineering on YouTube
Chemical Engineering Dept. on YouTube
ECE Dept. on YouTube
Mechanical Engineering Dept. on YouTube

Contact Kim Mellin ( to discuss how to upload your video onto these official channels (or to list a channel here that we overlooked).

I want the College to shoot and edit my video

The creative team in the Dean’s Office would love to highlight student activities, cool research projects, and outreach-related content in videos. Send your video idea to: Vince Horiuchi ( or Dan Hixson (

At this time, the creative team cannot support: regular lectures, recording your courses, or commercial-quality video editing. We are taking courses in video editing and production, but for commercial quality production, please contact: KUED 7, see an example of their work at the Brain Institute research profiles website.