John and Marcia Price College of Engineering Convocation Ceremony

Thursday, May 2, 2024
Jon Huntsman Event Center, 10:30 a.m.

Check-in: 9:00 a.m. Procession begins: 10:10 a.m.
More Convocation Information

Thursday, May 2, 2024
Jon Huntsman Event Center, 10:30 a.m.

Honorary Students

Graduating Students

***Summa Cum Laude
**Magna Cum Laude
*Cum Laude

Student Farewells

Caroline Henry, MEAE

I couldn’t have learned more during my time at the U without the support and guidance from family, classmates, and Utah Games faculty. Thank you all so much for helping me shape my future.

Zachary Liam Willis, BS

I finally leveled up! Thank you Utah Division of Games! A special thank you to my family who supported me through this journey.

Zhenjun Zhou, BS


Payton E Hansen, BS

I could not have done this without the support of my family. Being so far from them has been an immense struggle, and I cherish all of them coming out to see me walk. Thank you to my wonderful family.

Austin Monorom In, BS

To my amazing family & friends, your unwavering support means the world to me. From my grandparents, aunts & uncles, sisters Maia & Kasia, to my parents Sao & Tara, and my beautiful wife Megan – thank you! Together, we made it! Go Utes! 🎉

Keifer Peyton Maples, BS

I'm grateful for the journey at the Division of Games here at the U! From pixels to passion, we've crafted worlds and made memories together. Here's to the endless quests, power-ups, and friendships forged. Cheers to the new and challenging levels ahead! 🎮🎓 #Classof2024……

Loren D Noorda, BS

“Sucking at something is the first step towards being sorta good at something.” – Jake the Dog

Logan Jannick, BS

I’ve loved learning and growing along side all my peers throughout my college career. The U has given all of us the best opportunities that any university could ever provide. The hard work that we have put in throughout the years has prepared us to be the best!

Sora Dionicia Roberts, BS

If I had to write how much I adore and appreciate everyone who got me here, my fingers would fall off. There is also a 280 character limit. But please know: I will always think fondly of every teacher, peer, and friend from the U. Don't be a stranger <3

Matthew Buie Thomas, BS

Joshua Michael Rollinson, BS

I appreciate my Professors, Classmates, and Family for helping me get through school and encouraging me to do my best throughout my studies, looking to have a successful future that you all can be proud of me for doing!

Austin Allen Freestone, BS

Good things come to those who wait. But damn did this take a long time to get here. In the end it’s worth it.

Parker Zuber, BS

You! Yes you! You're graduating! YIPPIEE!!! HUZZAH!!! LET'S GOOO!!! We did it!! Great times were had, fun memories were made, and now we're off to take on the game industry!!

Aldrige Tongson, BS

I don't know where I'm going to go or who I'm going to be. But I can't wait to have fun along the way! It's another step towards more life-long memories.

Zachary James Walk, BS

Up next: grad school! Shoutout to my Professor Ryan for teaching me the importance of large crosshairs!

Maia Alyse Revells, MEAE

Sirui Xiong, MEAE

I had a delightful two years of graduate studies at the University of Utah, where I met many interesting and lovely teachers and friends! Time flies like flowing water, and I hope to meet everyone again under the same sky in the future.……

George Francis Fahey, BS

Sean Michael Goodell, MEAE

Thanks Miranda! Love you! This is also dedicated to everyone who ever told me video games weren't a career!

Rebekah Huang, MEAE

Thank a million, Mom, Dad, and Sis! Tuition fees, you’re officially fired! May God flex y’all!!!

Wesley V Gerber, BS

I can't believe it. We came, we saw, we conquered. I made some great friends and we made some good games. I'm so glad for this and I'm excited to see what the next chapter holds.

Junao Xiong, BS

These 4 years are just like a dream inside of my life. There are so many people I have met and so many things I did. Goodbye to all the beautiful moments we shared together in the course of our studies at the U, I wish everybody well and great success in their future endeavors.

Talen E Stephens, BS

It's been an incredible journey to this point and I've had so much fun learning and growing, and I can't wait to start this next chapter of my life

Anirudh Dargar, MEAE

Thank you to all my family, loved ones, and friends! This has been probably the greatest journey I've been on so far, and I'm so glad I could share it with all of you. Here's to future adventures in making games and staying silly! :3

Jiayang Xu, BS

Price College of Engineering Commencement Program

Click the image to open up the pdf version of the program.